Moulettes, The band’s third album was released on 2 June 2014 Constellations
Track Glorious year
Jon Anderson, 1000 Hands
Track: Make Me Happy
Mostly Autumn, Heart Full of Sky is the seventh studio album from rock artists Mostly Autumn released in 2006
Track: Fading Colours
Liam Davidson, A Treasure of well set Jewels
Track: Ride the seventh Wave
Heather Findlay Band, Songs from the Old Kitchen
Track: Black rain
Stolen Earth, A Far Cry from Home
Track: Bitterness Fades
Parade, it’s debut album, The fabric, 2012
Track: High Life
Panic Room, Essence
Track: Promises
Moon Halo, debut album chroma, 2020
Track: Seize the Day
Zio, debut album Flower Torania, 2020
Track: Ride Along
Chasing The Monsoon, No Ordinary World, 2019
Track: December Sky